Hello Pat,
To summarize what I wrote in the ticket:
##ALL## cultures macro and
CombineWithDefaultCulture set to "false" produces duplicate results, when the document URLs are not different for each language version.
This means either with
"Use name path for URL path" setting enabled (
devguide/url_format_and_configuration) or enabled "
Use custom URL path" and populated in document
Properties / URLs.
The KB article you are linking to is for 4.0 version, where ordinary
CMSRepeater instead of the special control was used, which brings some differences.
This control used in current versions lists only
CMS.MenuItem (Page) documents, not the "root" type.
You could modify the aspx page to use standard repeater, like:
<cms:CMSRepeater runat="server" ID="googleSitemapRepeater" TransformationName="CMS.Root.GoogleSiteMap" CacheMinutes="0" OrderBy="NodeLevel, NodeOrder, NodeName" ClassNames="cms.menuitem;cms.root" CultureCode="de-ch" CombineWithDefaultCulture="true" FilterOutDuplicates="true" />
Multiple classnames takes root to the result and attribute
FilterOutDuplicates filters out duplicate records if present,... however, different language versions are not duplicate records...so this has no effect.
I suppose you would need to use different paths for different language versions of the documents if you want to list all documents in each language version.
It would be also possible to modify the data of the repeater in codebehind to remove duplicate items.
Listing the files from Media library is another thing... and the codebehind will be most probably needed.
You can use the
Data Sources / Media files data source webpart to get the records from media library and filter them to get just the PDFs.
Or if the PDFs are attachments to your documents, you may need to use nested control in the transformation to get the media library file info...
Rendering can be done by (Basic)Repeater and appropriate transformation. The
datasource - repeater scenario is described here for Portal template, however it can be used in ASPX page as well (similarly like the cmsrepeater).
You could put more repeaters (listing webparts or controls) in proper order in the aspx page to list the items in the googlesitemap output according your aim.
Hope this gives you some clues to get it working as you need.