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Version 5.x > Portal Engineset CMSMenuHighlightedMenuItem css on javascript call on menu click View modes: 
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fan4u - 8/25/2011 9:37:50 PM
set CMSMenuHighlightedMenuItem css on javascript call on menu click
HI ,

we are trying to set the CMSMenuHighlightedMenuItem css class on menu click ( with out postback) by setting the document menu property to javascript command

function setmenu()
document.getElementById("plc_lt_zoneTopMenu_cmsmenu_menuElem-001").className = "CMSMenuHighlightedMenuItem";

how ever it doesnt retain on mouse over/ mouse out / mouse down / mouse up

& also do we need to manually set the already selected menu item css class to CMSMenuItem css class ?

Please help !!!


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
janh-kentico - 8/26/2011 7:30:15 AM
RE:set CMSMenuHighlightedMenuItem css on javascript call on menu click
In a first place please make sure, that you have set Render CSS classes and Render item ID in the CSS list menu web part to true. Now fill the OnMouseOut script property in this web part with following exact code:

" onClick="setmenu(this.id);return(false);

You also have to modify your function as you can se below:

<script type="text/javascript">
function setmenu(liid) {
document.getElementById(liid).className = 'CMSListMenuLinkHighlighted';

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fan4u - 8/26/2011 11:27:56 PM
RE:set CMSMenuHighlightedMenuItem css on javascript call on menu click
HI ,

Thanks for the reply, but sorry i missed to mention that we are using cmsmenu , not the csslistmenu.


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
janh-kentico - 8/29/2011 3:15:33 AM
RE:set CMSMenuHighlightedMenuItem css on javascript call on menu click
Thank you for your message.

It is not that easy for the CMSMenu web part. You would have to edit source code so please open the cmsmenu.ascx.cs file in the \CMSWebParts\Navigation\ directory and paste into it following method:

/// <summary>
/// Render override
/// </summary>
protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)
if (this.StopProcessing)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
Html32TextWriter mwriter = new Html32TextWriter(new System.IO.StringWriter(sb));

// CSubmenuElem1 or CSubmenuElem - depends, how many manus you have on page
string htmlcode = Regex.Replace(sb.ToString(), "onclick=\"CSubmenuElem1[^\"]*\"", "onclick=\"this.className = 'CMSMenuHighlightedMenuItem'; return(false);\"");


Don't forget link appropriate libraries.

You just have replaced onclick function in this menu with your custom one.

Best regards,
Jan Hermann

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fan4u - 8/29/2011 3:39:44 AM
RE:set CMSMenuHighlightedMenuItem css on javascript call on menu click
Awesome.. Thanks a lot for the solution, by the way we are using the same kentico application to host multiple sites & this requirement is only for a single site .

Is there a way we can identify the application name in the render code & based on application we do this custom html rendering or not ?

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
janh-kentico - 8/29/2011 6:20:46 AM
RE:set CMSMenuHighlightedMenuItem css on javascript call on menu click
Of course, try this:

string htmlcode = sb.ToString();

if (CMS.CMSHelper.CMSContext.CurrentSiteName == "SiteCodeName")
htmlcode = Regex.Replace(htmlcode, "onclick=\"CSubmenuElem1[^\"]*\"", "onclick=\"this.className = 'CMSListMenuLinkHighlighted'; return(false);\"");


Best regards,
Jan Hermann