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Tom - 9/13/2011 9:58:31 AM
Comparing first letter of field to previous record in a repeater transformation
We use the transformation below in a Repeater to display links to directions. We would like to add a space when the first letter of the LocationName is different than the first letter of the previous record.


<%# IfCompare(Eval("LocationName"),"None","<a href=" + GetDocumentUrl()+ ">" + Eval("LocationName")+ "</a><br />","")%>

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kentico_michal - 9/14/2011 2:57:54 AM
RE:Comparing first letter of field to previous record in a repeater transformation

Regrettably, it is not possible to access the previous displayed record. However, there is a simple work-around.

You can create a two methods setWord, getWord that would set and get the LocationName to the RequestStockHelper class so that you can access the LocationName of previous row.
public static string setWord(object input)
string word = ValidationHelper.GetString(input, String.Empty) ;
CMS.GlobalHelper.RequestStockHelper.Add("value", word);
return "";

public static string getWord()
string word = ValidationHelper.GetString(CMS.GlobalHelper.RequestStockHelper.GetItem("value"), String.Empty);
return word;

Third custom method would simply compare the current LocationName and the previous one (retrieved by the getWord method):

public static string compareStrings (object currentInput, object previousInput)
string currentWord = ValidationHelper.GetString(currentInput, "") ;
string previousWord = ValidationHelper.GetString(previousInput, "");

if ( !previousWord.Equals("") && !currentWord.Equals(""))
// check first letter of both variables and return currentWord with a space if necessary
return currentWord;

Then, your transformation could look like this one:

<%# MyFunctions.compareStrings( Eval("LocationName"), MyFunctions.getWord() ) %>

<%# MyFunctions.setWord( Eval("LocationName ") ) %>

For more information about custom transformation method, I would like to point you to the following article: Adding custom functions to transformations

Best regards,
Michal Legen

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Tom - 9/14/2011 6:06:23 AM
RE:Comparing first letter of field to previous record in a repeater transformation
Thanks very much for the very complete example, Michal. We will give that a try.

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Tom - 9/14/2011 6:11:33 AM
RE:Comparing first letter of field to previous record in a repeater transformation
Is there any way to add a Custom Function without accessing Visual Studio?

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kentico_michal - 9/14/2011 6:54:26 AM
RE:Comparing first letter of field to previous record in a repeater transformation
Hello Tom,

It is possible to edit the pertinent file also using standard text editor on the other hand it is not really a convenient way of doing it. However, it is up to you what approach suits you better.

Best regards,
Michal Legen