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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Multiple Workflows with Common Scope View modes: 
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PeterPC - 9/27/2011 7:15:27 PM
Multiple Workflows with Common Scope

A have a CMS tree divided neatly into 9 sections, each section has a workflow applied to it's parent document. This is working fine for all child documents.

There are 9 roles as well, each role is only allowed to read/write within their section.

I would like to add a 10th 'global approver' role that is allowed to access all sections, and also can approve any document, in any workflow.

Using document level security, I've allowed the 'global' role to access the tree, but they can't actually publish anything.

Is this possible?


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 9/28/2011 8:32:02 AM
RE:Multiple Workflows with Common Scope

If you want to allow that user role to be able to manage whatever workflow you need to set appropriate permission in the Administration -> Permissions matrix. In this case you need to grant that user role with "Manage workflow" permission under the Content module matrix.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus