Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Recent Post View modes: 
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jp.principio.mail-gmail - 9/23/2011 1:01:28 AM
Recent Post

In Blogs Recent post control, how can I get the recent posts in the same folder? for example if the post is from blog month "July 2011", the recent post should show the 5 most recent post under "July 2011"


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
janh-kentico - 9/23/2011 1:47:50 AM
RE:Recent Post

It depends on a hierarchy structure of your site document tree. I can show you an approach for the following structure:
--- Blogs (main menu item)
----- MyBlog
------- August 2011
--------- First post
------- September 2011
--------- Second post

So now you open the properties of the Recent posts web part and just fill the Path to recent posts property with /Blogs/MyBlog/{2}/% value. That no. 2 between the brackets substitutes current second level path, so if you click on some blog post from September, the Recent posts web part will be displaying recent posts only from that month.

If you need more information about the path expression, please visit Kentico Developer's Guide on the link below:


Best regards,
Jan Hermann

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jp.principio.mail-gmail - 9/23/2011 1:53:52 AM
RE:Recent Post
Thanks! I used the "../%" wildcard. Thank you very much! you're a big help! :) I am new to kentico and handling the blogs. Just OT: wonder why there is no sub-blogmonth? i mean blogmonth under a blogmonth.


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
janh-kentico - 9/23/2011 2:08:57 AM
RE:Recent Post
Because even in a real life you don't have a month inside of some other month (it goes one after other) ;-) But seriously, what do you mean with a sub-month? Could you please give an example?


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jp.principio.mail-gmail - 9/23/2011 2:14:46 AM
RE:Recent Post
LOL.. haha

We're using our blogs like Countries, then blogmonths are USA,UK,etc etc. we have a request that needs to add a region under the countries (New York, Miami, England) then the blogpost but i cannot add another blogmonth under the blogmonth.

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jp.principio.mail-gmail - 9/23/2011 3:10:43 AM
RE:Recent Post
Hi JH,

another question. In our homepage, I need to display the recent post but with have short description (much like a rss feed). Is there a control for that?



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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
janh-kentico - 9/23/2011 7:38:55 AM
RE:Recent Post
Oh, I've got it now. You can make countries as a page item and you can move whole blogs structure to the sub-level:
- Blogs (page menu item)
--- USA (blog list)
----- New york (blog)
------- September 2011
--------- Blog post
----- LA (blog)
------- September 2011
--------- Blog post
--- UK (blog list)
----- London (blog)
------- September 2011
--------- Blog post

For recent posts with short description you can use Repeater web part with the following settings:
Path: /Blogs/%
Document types: CMS.BlogPost
Maximum nesting level: -1
Select top N documents: 5 (number of blog posts you want to display)
Transformation: <select some transformation> (this transformation has to contain <%# Eval("BlogPostTitle") %> and <%# Eval("BlogPostSummary") %> macros)

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jp.principio.mail-gmail - 9/27/2011 8:55:05 PM
RE:Recent Post
Thanks Janh! I was able to resolved my problem.