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jonm-latinlink - 10/5/2011 6:00:18 AM
Question regarding googlesitemap.aspx
Hi there,

I am using the GoogleSiteMap.aspx to generate our Google Site Map but it currently only lists the pages in the first folder of our site, but I wish it to generate the URLs of pages contained in nested folders (2a and 2b) in the second folder of our site:

International (Folder 1)
National Sites (Folder 2)
--UK (Folder 2a)
--Ireland (Folder 2b)

I've tried adjusting the MaxRelativeLevel="-1" value but that doesn't seem to work.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
janh-kentico - 10/5/2011 7:54:08 AM
RE:Question regarding googlesitemap.aspx
Hello Jon,

Could you please check, if the Show in sitemap property is set to true for every item you want to (specialy for the Folder2)? This property is located in the CMS Desk -> Content -> Some node (e.g. Ireland) -> Properties -> Menu -> Show in sitemap.

Best regards,
Jan Hermann

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jonm-latinlink - 10/5/2011 8:17:54 AM
RE:Question regarding googlesitemap.aspx
Hi Jan,

Thanks for the reply. Yes, the show in sitemap property is set to true for the nodes I want to be generated in the Sitemap e.g. National Sites, UK, Ireland.

Anything else I might be missing?

Kind regards

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
janh-kentico - 10/6/2011 5:12:16 AM
RE:Question regarding googlesitemap.aspx
Hello Jon,

Actually, there is one more property in the GoogleSitemap controller, that should be set in your case. Please open the ~\55R2\CMSPages\GoogleSiteMap.aspx file and define requested classes:
<cms:GoogleSitemap runat="server" ID="googleSitemap" ClassNames="CMS.Folder;CMS.MenuItem" TransformationName="CMS.Root.GoogleSiteMap" CacheMinutes="0" OrderBy="NodeLevel, NodeOrder, NodeName" />


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jonm-latinlink - 10/6/2011 5:38:35 AM
RE:Question regarding googlesitemap.aspx
Great, this fixed it! Thank you!