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•●♥๑ஐ♥ღ Victoria ღ♥ஐ๑♥●• - 10/26/2011 4:39:52 PM
if statment inside transformations
I'm trying to use the following code inside a transformation:

<%if((Eval("FirstName").ToString()) != "") { %>
...lots of code....
<% } else {%>
...lots of code....
<%} %>

but accessing the Eval property does not seem to work. If I add a hashtag to the start of the IF statement, I get an error saying that 'if is not a function'.

How can I do an IF statement inside a transformation?

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lancetek - 10/27/2011 4:20:48 AM
RE:if statment inside transformations
There isn't really a free-form if{} syntax that you can use, at least up to v5.5. But there ARE some Transformation Functions that can be used to do what I think you need to do:

IfEmpty(object value, object emptyResult, object nonEmptyResult)

<%# IfEmpty(Eval("ProductPhoto"), "no image", GetImage("ProductPhoto")) %>

• Checks for emptiness of the value specified in the first parameter. If it is NULL, the second parameter is returned. If it has some value, the third parameter is returned.

<%# IfEmpty(Eval("ArticleImage"), "", "<img src=\"/images/art.jpg\" alt=\""+ Eval("ArticleImageText") +"\" />") %>

Here's some docs for it: http://devnet.kentico.com/docs/5_5R2/devguide/index.html

And on your site go to: http://{your site domain}/CMSHelp/index.html?newedit_transformation_methods.htm

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Jiveabillion - 10/27/2011 11:02:51 AM
RE:if statment inside transformations
If you are using if statements to decide what markup to show/hide, you can do what I often do.

I have found that good ol' <asp: Placeholder/> is a good control to use in transformations where a large amount of the markup should be hidden or visible based on any circumstance I may need. This is much easier than writing all of your markup and escaping quotes and such inside a macro expression.

Here is an example:

<asp:Placeholder runat="server" visible='<%# !String.IsNullOrEmpty(Eval("FirstName").ToString()) %>' >
...lots of code..
<asp:Placeholder runat="server" visible='<%# String.IsNullOrEmpty(Eval("FirstName").ToString()) %>' >
...lots of code..

Also remember that you can use <script runat="server"></script> inside your transformations to create little C# methods to do your bidding. You can even subscribe to the standard events of a control because, after all, the transformation is really just a user control that implements ITemplate.

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•●♥๑ஐ♥ღ Victoria ღ♥ஐ๑♥●• - 10/27/2011 12:05:55 PM
RE:if statment inside transformations
Thank you! I like the idea of using placeholders :-)