Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 5.x > Portal EngineMedia Gallery Web part View modes: 
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Naresh - 10/26/2011 6:17:17 PM
Media Gallery Web part

I am using Media Gallery web parts in one of our pages.
I have placed two media gallery web parts in one page according to article in knowledge base.
Everything is working fine with images and other files. But, when it comes to audio and video files, I am not able to play those files.
The audio and video files are playing perfectly in IE, but not in other browser (i.e., Firefox, Chrome, Safari). The windows media player plugin is installed in all browsers.

I uploaded .mp3 type file for audio and .wmv type file for video. These file type extensions
are already assigned in Site manager->Settings->Media Libraries.

So, can any one help me out in this issue.

Thank you,


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_radekm - 11/7/2011 2:02:13 AM
RE:Media Gallery Web part

The article you refer to is written for version 4.1. According to build number you provided in e-mail I guess you are using 5.5R2. I tested it in 5.5R2 with the latest hotfix and 6.0 with the latest hotfix and it works pretty fine in all browser I tested, including Mozilla FireFox and Google Chrome.

Please note I did not follow that KB article. I just placed two Media gallery web part on my page and it works with no problem. I tested it for mp3 files you wrote you are having problems with.

Could you please try it not following that old KB article, but in a standard way as I did? Thank you.

Best Regards,
Radek Macalik

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Naresh - 11/8/2011 4:57:14 PM
RE:Media Gallery Web part
Hello Radek,

Thank you for your reply.
I will try it as you did and will let you know the result.

Thank you,

