The search results are stored in the
HttpContext.Current.Items collection. You should be able to get it as a hashtable using this code:
Hashtable resultRows = RequestStockHelper.GetItem(SearchHelper.RESULTS_KEY) as Hashtable;
However, it is not possible to query this collection using standard SQL query.
So, you could customize the SearchResults control (~\CMSModules\SmartSearch\Controls\SearchResults.ascx.cs). You can access the search results with the aforementioned code in the Search method after the SearchHelper.Search method is executed:
// Search
DataSet results = SearchHelper.Search(searchText, SearchHelper.GetSort(srt), path, DocumentTypes, culture, defaultCulture, CombineWithDefaultCulture, CheckPermissions, SearchInAttachments, Indexes, displayResults, startPosition, numberOfProceeded, (UserInfo)CMSContext.CurrentUser, out numberOfResults, AttachmentsWhere, AttachmentsOrderBy);
// Get search results
Hashtable resultRows = RequestStockHelper.GetItem(SearchHelper.RESULTS_KEY) as Hashtable;
Then, you can bind some custom filter (e.g. drop-down list control) as you need based on resultRows hashtable.
Best regards,
Michal Legen