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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > iPhone App for Metaweblog API View modes: 
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egarrison-wte - 10/6/2011 6:43:39 PM
iPhone App for Metaweblog API
Does anyone know of an iPhone/iPad app that can post to the Metaweblog API? BlogWriter Lite & BlogPress. On the Mac MarsEdit. None of them worked. Most of them are able to connect to the API and pull the category, they just cannot post. I found people talking about iBLOGGER, but it seems to be out of business.

Windows Live Writer works excellent. I am so impressed how well it works. It even shows a preview of how it will look before posting to API.

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egarrison-wte - 10/18/2011 9:01:15 PM
RE:iPhone App for Metaweblog API
I have been able to talk to a provider of pretty good Blog App for iPhone and have them putting MetaWebAPI into their next version. It should be out in November. We setup a test site for them and they have posted a few test messages, so it looks promising.

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svenn-ispirix - 11/22/2011 4:33:27 PM
RE:iPhone App for Metaweblog API
Ive been using the Blogger+ (Bloggerpluss) iPhone app with some success when posting to MetaWebLog., but still not impressed

I also heard its possible to use an app called iBlogger outside Europe (not for sale here)

I am definitely waiting for a better MetaWebLog app !!!