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Version 5.x > Portal EngineProblem with page metadata? View modes: 
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andrew-gradweb.co - 2/15/2012 3:40:24 PM
Problem with page metadata?

We have recently noticed a problem on our website. For specific blog posts or pages even if we uncheck the 'inherit from parent' option and enter a new page description and page keywords it still seems to inherit metadata from other pages. It appears to append the news data onto the end of this inherited data. Is it possible I have missed an option somewhere or are there any known issues with this?

As always any help would be greatly appreciated.



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kentico_michal - 2/16/2012 3:47:41 AM
RE:Problem with page metadata?

So, if I am getting this right, the page description and page keywords are taken from the parent page even if you uncheck the Inherit check box and define a different value for the child document. Is that correct?

Could you please let me know which version of Kentico CMS are you using? Could you please confirm that have applied the latest hotfix?

Best regards,
Michal Legen

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andrew-gradweb.co - 2/16/2012 4:10:32 AM
RE:Problem with page metadata?
Hi Machal,

Thank you for your response.

You are correct. It appends the parent's page description and keywords infront of the new values set for the child document.

I do apologise but I am fairly new to Kentico and have been asked to look at our existing website so I am not sure if we are using 5.5 R2 or not. The version number displayed is: v5.5.3789.

If this is not using the latest hotfix is there any documentation on the procedure for applying the fix to the site?



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kentico_michal - 2/17/2012 4:01:18 AM
RE:Problem with page metadata?

You are using Kentico CMS 5.5 without any hotfix. So, I would like to ask you to apply the latest hotfix for 5.5. You can download the hotfix package 5.5.30 here: Hotfixes. Please follow instructions in the Instructions.pdf file that is included in the package.

Best regards,
Michal Legen