3/6/2012 11:01:23 AM
Fields from System tables -> User didn't change label
Hi, I have some problem with Kentico system tables. I have some old fields in table User. There are question for user profile on my site. Now, when I was translating this site into 2nd language I found strange problem. Some, just some, fields didn't change their Field caption. I can wrote whatever in this field, it changed in database (CMS_Class -> User -> ClassFormDefinition) but Kentico display still this same, old text. I use to display this standard DropDownList and my custom controls based on DropDown- and CheckBox List, i just changed way to displaying items, Field Caption is inherited from Kentico controls. And in my constrols only Field Caption was bugged, in Kentico controls both, field caption and items (and just in some(!) fields, most of them working ok). Any idea?