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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Syncronization of xml using webfarm View modes: 
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Leandro Brito - 2/9/2012 6:39:05 AM
Syncronization of xml using webfarm
Hey guys,

I've created an aspx page to update a xml file inside KenticoCMS/MyFolder/myfile.xml directory.

When I do the update of this file the KenticoCMS should do the syncronization of this file to the other server too?

In the manual exist the option "CMSWebFarmSynchronizeFiles" but I think this works only for Kentico documents like Attachments, Meta files, Media files etc, is it?

Is possible to update the xml in all servers after the modification of file?


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_radekm - 2/18/2012 3:35:12 AM
RE:Syncronization of xml using webfarm

Ye, the key you refer to is mentioned for synchronization of settings and global objects between the two sites, not for custom files our system does not know about. So, if you want to synchronize some custom files within you project folder, you will need to write some script for this purpose, if you don’t want to use manual approach.

Best Regards,
Radek Macalik

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Leandro Brito - 2/21/2012 12:31:09 PM
RE:Syncronization of xml using webfarm