Design and CSS styles
Version 4.x > Design and CSS stylesBizForm Error Labels View modes: 
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sasdaman - 3/26/2009 6:53:13 AM
BizForm Error Labels
Hi Forum readers,

I have a small design layout issue relating to Bizform error labels. When I test the error label output I see the ErrorLabels display below the input fields. I looked at the view source of my form and can see that an inline style "display:block" is set. Whilst I can style the class .EditingFormErrorLabel in my CSS file this "display:block" takes precedence in my HTML. What I want is to set it to "display:inline" so it flows next to the input box.

Rendered HTML view source output
<span id="plcRoot_Layout_zPagePlaceHolder_pageplaceholder_pageplaceholder_Layout_zoneCenter_editabletext3_BizFormControl1_Bizform1_ctl00_FirstName_ErrorLabel" class="EditingFormErrorLabel" style="display:block;">Please enter some value.</span>

Anyway I can change this functionality? If not could you please suggest for future releases the ability to set if you want the error label inline or block.

Many thanks,

Sahus Pilwal

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 3/31/2009 8:02:23 AM
RE:BizForm Error Labels
Hi Sahus,

you could use the custom form layout - please see here: for more details. You could use the table layout and place the validation labels in the new column so that it would be in the same row of table.

The code of one table row could look like:
<td>$$input:FirstName$$ </td>

Best regrads,
Helena Grulichova

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sasdaman - 4/2/2009 9:14:00 AM
RE:BizForm Error Labels
Hi Helena,

Thanks for the response. I'm aware of the bizform custom form but wasn't sure if there were validation error label syntax available for this use. But you have stated what I need so many thanks.


Sahus Pilwal