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Version 4.x > Site structure > restrict content tree in CMSDesk View modes: 
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bcaulkins-fastsigns - 3/11/2010 2:08:18 PM
restrict content tree in CMSDesk
We have users that have very limited access to content in the CMS. These users only need access from a certain point on the tree. For instance they need access to a certain page and all of its subpages and documents under it.
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Elijah - 3/15/2010 8:25:10 PM
RE:restrict content tree in CMSDesk
One way is to use the Starting Alias Path property of the User.

From the docs:

The alias path of the site section that opens in CMS Desk. If you specify this value, the user is not allowed to browse other sections of the web site in the content tree. Please note that this feature is only intended for better usability and it doesn't ensure security control - if you need to establish access rights for the given user, grant him with appropriate document permissions (Properties -> Security).

Doc page

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ondrejv - 3/22/2010 2:34:20 PM
RE:restrict content tree in CMSDesk

I just add to Elijah's propose, that you can set document level permissions for particular user-role to achieve this aim. You can inherit permissions on subpages to make things easier. Please see more details here:

Best regards
Ondrej Vasil