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MWB - 12/22/2009 8:08:35 AM
Presenting specific document types detail
I am able to create a new document type, and am able to create repeaters that display a list of this document type using a predefined transformation. However I'm not sure how to display just the detail of the one document on it's corresponding page. For example if I create a new document called Christmas. How would I view the details of this document on it's own page (when it's a custom document type)?

I assume I can use some kind of transformation, but I'm not able to find a web part that will just display a transformation of the current document.

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MWB - 12/22/2009 8:32:12 AM
RE:Presenting specific document types detail
I have the answer thanks to kentico support.

The repeater is the web part to use. The list is presented on the parent page using the repeater and corresponding transformation. The child page then needs to inherit it's parents template. And the repeater control needs to have the appropriate "selected item" transformation specified. The detail page will then use the selected item transformation to display the detail of that page.

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Alex Rybin - 12/22/2009 8:34:33 AM
RE:Presenting specific document types detail
Use any Repeater web-part and set "." as Path. It means - "Current Node".

In other hand, look how "News/News list" page template was made. It shows list of news using transformation for list and selected news using transformation for selected item.

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carlosaccone-yahoo - 6/3/2013 4:28:03 AM
RE:Presenting specific document types detail
And what if I need to use a different template for child items? How do I select the current item when I reach his own page?

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carlosaccone-yahoo - 6/3/2013 4:51:25 AM
RE:Presenting specific document types detail
Solved! In the details page template use a repeater, and in the "Transformations" tab leave blank the "Transformation" field and populate with the desired transformation the "Selected item transformation" field.
The repeater will then show the current item only!