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sami-kazemi - 10/18/2009 10:16:58 AM
setting the email address for forgotten password emails
Forgotten password emails are being sent from the email address:

where do I set the email address that these emails should be sent from?

just to clarify these are the emails received when a user forgets his password and clicks on "forgotten password" in the log in page.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_radekm - 10/29/2009 3:11:32 PM
RE:setting the email address for forgotten password emails

I suppose that Logon form web part is used for this purpose. Could you please go to its Properties and change "Send email from" property to requested value? Thank you.

Best regards,
Radek Macalik
Support Engineer

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sami-kazemi - 10/29/2009 3:24:57 PM
RE:setting the email address for forgotten password emails
that worked. thanks.