Thanks for the reply. In re-reading my original post, I may have made it sound more complicated than it should have been.
I want to display a link to a page for each category based on the categories of the current document. I have the code to do that once I have the list of categories but I was trying to figure out he best way to get that list.
I was hoping it was populated somewhere for the current document (to avoid another data call) but I wasn't able to find locate it anywhere.
What I ended up doing was using the CategoryInfoProvider:
string where = "CategoryID in (Select distinct CategoryID from
CMS_DocumentCategory Where DocumentID =" +
CMSContext.CurrentDocument.DocumentID + ")";
DataSet cats = CategoryInfoProvider.GetCategories(where,
"CategoryDisplayName", 100);
Is that the best way to do this or is there someplace I can get that the additional call?