I have two questions:
1. When using the CMS Repeater control on an ASPX page, what is the difference between, and purpose of, the "ShowForDocumentTypes" and "ClassNames" properties?
In this example from the Corporate Site:
<uc1:repeater runat="server" ID="rptAllPosts"
both properties seem to be specifying which Document Types the repeater will display. Any clarification will be appreciated.
2. As a general question, is there any documentation which explains all the properties for this control & others?
I've looked at the Kentico CMS Controls 4.0 document, which gives a couple of examples, but is not comprehensive.
I've also tried the Kentico CMS API Reference, but this doesn't help. For example, the definition of the ClassNames property is
"Property to set and get the classnames list (separated by the semicolon).
Well that much is obvious, but it doesn't actually explain what the ClassNames property is for, if you don't already know.
Any help with the above questions will be appreciated.