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rookie07 - 6/15/2009 10:11:20 AM
CMSListMenu and custom document type

i've just tried to make a custom doctype. the result should be a page which gives some kind of overview about availible products, containing a list of teasers. if some would click on a teaser he should get linked to the detail information.

that all worked pretty well with the custom document type - thing and the documentation so far.

i made a new template page (ascx) with following code:
<cms:CMSDataList runat="server" ID="dlProdukte" ClassNames="foxLX.Produkt" OrderBy="TeaserTitle" 
TransformationName="foxLX.Produkt.Preview" SelectedItemTransformationName="foxLX.Produkt.Default"
RepeatColumns="2" />

the masterpage contains the navigation:
<div id="navi_main"><cms:CMSListMenu ID="CMSListMenu1" runat="server" /></div>

the problem is now that logically only one page is shown in the navigation (the overview of all produkts).

how am i able to display the detailinformations (my custom doctype) in the navigation as submenu/sub-hierarchy?

is there an easy way achieving this or do i have to implement an own navigation-control? (the data is availible in the cms_tree - table)

thank you!!!

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bluerhino_avanmeter - 6/15/2009 5:10:47 PM
RE:CMSListMenu and custom document type
You can get your custom document type to display by adding the document class name to the CMSListMenu's ClassNames property.

<cms:CMSListMenu ID="CMSListMenu1" runat="server"
ClassNames="CMS.MenuItem;foxLX.Produkt" />

You have to include CMS.MenuItem in order for the normal CMS pages to show up in the list. If you wanted to only show foxLX.Produkt types, you could remove CMS.MenuItem from the ClassNames property.

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rookie07 - 6/16/2009 2:12:59 AM
RE:CMSListMenu and custom document type

that was exactly what i was searching for,
thank you very much!!!