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Version 4.x > ASPX templates > How is culture for displaying dates etc determined? View modes: 
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random0xff - 6/1/2009 3:47:53 PM
How is culture for displaying dates etc determined?
As I see it, these are the settings that mat or may not play a role:

1. Site Manager > Sites > {Site} > General > Default content culture
2. Site Manager > Sites > {Site} > General > Default visitor culture
3. Site Manager > Sites > {Site} > Cultures > anything checked here

4. Site Manager > Administration > Users > My user account > General > Preferred content culture
5. Site Manager > Administration > Users > My user account > General > Preferred user interface culture

6. Site Manager > Settings > {Site} > Web site > Default culture of the content

7. Web.config > System.Web > globalization > culture
8. Web.config > System.Web > globalization > uiCulture

9. My web browser
10. Maybe the culture of the document too?

How do these 9 or 10 settings interact to form the exact date notation? For instance, if I want to display the date according to users browser settings, what should I do?

What if I want to display the date always in German date format, what should I do?

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paxer-mail - 6/2/2009 12:07:02 AM
RE:How is culture for displaying dates etc determined?
I have the similar question. I've tried to change Culture in all places described above but i still have in Admin Interface and on live site US Culture. I mean dates still in mm/dd/yyyy etc, but i need Australian culture, i 've add it en-au but no results for now...

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paxer-mail - 6/2/2009 1:14:39 AM
RE:How is culture for displaying dates etc determined?
paxer-mail wrote: I have the similar question. I've tried to change Culture in all places described above but i still have in Admin Interface and on live site US Culture. I mean dates still in mm/dd/yyyy etc, but i need Australian culture, i 've add it en-au but no results for now...

Sorry, i found the problem, when i open application in another browser culture was fine (non default US). Looks like default US settings was saved in my browser cookies and after i've change them for some reason they still used old culture...

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_martind - 6/17/2009 3:46:28 AM
RE:How is culture for displaying dates etc determined?

If you want to choose culture in according to browser settings you can set 'Site Manager > Sites > {Site} > General > Default visitor culture' to '(Automatic)'. Please note that this setting is applied only if customer doesn't have cookie with culture set in his browser yet. Otherwise there is culture set in cookie used primarily.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to display dates in specified format - it always depends on currently used culture.

Best Regards,

Martin Dobsicek