ASPX templates
Version 4.x > ASPX templates > Homepage wont render in Navigation Control View modes: 
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Member - 5/31/2009 4:05:03 AM
Homepage wont render in Navigation Control
Hi all,

I am working with the CMSListMenu and am trying to get the homepage to list out.

At this point I have the following:
<cms:CMSListMenu ID="mnuMain" runat="server" Path="/%" MaxRelativeLevel="1" />

And I've made sure the homepage has "Show in navigation" and "Show in sitemap" both ticked.

Currently at this point I just get the pages below the homepage listing out. I've tried several different ways, with and without a defined MaxRelativeLevel etc and still can't get it to render.

Any ideas would be great.



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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_zdenekc - 6/10/2009 3:54:19 PM
RE:Homepage wont render in Navigation Control
Hi Glen,

with "homepage", do you mean the root (master) document?

Anyway, have you tried to not set the Path property?
Or more thing: in lower levels, you could use path expression like "\MyNode%" to list not only the subnodes, but also the MyNode itself. This could work also for the root document, so you could try to use Path="%"

Let us know if it won't help.

Best regards,