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Member - 7/13/2009 8:09:43 PM
Adding an ad-hoc forum to an ASPX template

I'm trying to add an add-hoc forum to an ASPX template. describes how to add it to a portal engine template (and I had no problems with that).

After looking at the "Forum (Single forum - General)" web part details in Site Manager, I tried registering:

<%@ Register Src="~/CMSWebParts/Forums/ForumForum.ascx" TagName="ForumForum" TagPrefix="uc1" %>

And declaring:

<uc1:ForumForum runat="server" ID="ForumForum1" ForumLayout="Flat" ForumName="ad-hoc forum" />

But this just gives me a page with "[Forum divider]: Unknown forum state." on it? Am I missing some key parameter on the control?

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tedison83-gmail - 7/17/2009 8:32:42 AM
RE:Adding an ad-hoc forum to an ASPX template
I am also getting the above problem. If anyone solved the above issue, please give me the solution.

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David C - 7/17/2009 9:46:31 PM
RE:Adding an ad-hoc forum to an ASPX template
I ended up pursuing a different approach, but this might help.

I added to the codebehind:

ForumInfo fi = ForumInfoProvider.GetForumInfoByDocument(CMSContext.CurrentDocument.DocumentID);
ForumForum1.ForumName = fi.ForumName;

That hooks up the forum correctly if it already exists.. but I seem to recall I still had a problem if the forum had not yet been created by someone making a post.

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_zbysekn - 7/20/2009 9:47:53 AM
RE:Adding an ad-hoc forum to an ASPX template
Hi David,
it should be sufficient to set ForumName property to value "adhocforumgroup" and it should be working same as for portal engine.
Best Regards,
Zbysek Nemec.