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roopangee-hotmail - 8/7/2009 9:14:03 AM
Sending mails usign aspx template with FCKeditor
I had created a template (aspx page) called with two editable regionsI followed( ).However when I run the site the url below appears and an error "Server Error in '/KenticoCMS' Application"


Then I directly changed the url to http://localhost:1429/KenticoCMS and logged in and the page inheriting the template worked properly.

Now my purpose is to be able to drag FCKeditor in the aspx page so that I am able to send mail using its content.However when I drag the FCKeditor ( I dont know if I should be dragging it into the editable region or the editable region into the Fckeditor) anywhere the output becomes unstable.

I was also given the link

but the document has the following step and is not meant for aspx templates.

Kindly suggest a method as I am going in rounds.
Thanks and Regards,

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 8/13/2009 8:57:08 AM
RE:Sending mails usign aspx template with FCKeditor
Hello Roopangee,

regards the server error:
Could you please check if the document is published?
Does the Preview mode in CMSDesk work correctly?
Are other templates working alright?

Regards the FCKEditor:
You should use only the CMSEditableRegion control ( No other controls are necessary. It includes the FCKEditor toolbar inside - you need not to use two controls.

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova