ASPX templates
Version 4.x > ASPX templates > Using UniPager LayoutTemplate View modes: 
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kevmiller77-googlemail - 8/25/2009 7:54:17 AM
Using UniPager LayoutTemplate

I was wondering how I can use the UniPager's LayoutTemplate to format the layout of the UniPager or do I need to use a web part container?

It would be good for someone to post an example of the LayoutTemplate being used for the UniPager.

Thanks in advance,


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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_martind - 9/1/2009 6:24:35 AM
RE:Using UniPager LayoutTemplate
Hi Kev,

You can specify layout of UniPager in Development -> Document types -> edit 'Pager transformations' -> Transformations -> edit 'General-PagerLayout' transformation.

Best Regards,

Martin Dobsicek