ASPX templates
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mickey-invision - 12/8/2009 4:35:39 PM
ASPX Page template with Portal Engine Template
So, I installed Kentico in the blank aspx template mode, and I realized that I have a lot of inline controls that I've developer that need to be displayed in a similar layout. How do I achieve this? Do I have to create a new template for every variation of each page? Or for every time I need to display a different inline control?

Also, I tried to make a new portal template by choosing the 'portal engine' option when creating the template. I then proceeded to make a new page with that template, but when I go to the design tab - I see no option to add webparts, or controls or anything - it shows an empty screen - in fact, I cannot edit any data... or do anything to this!

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Alex Rybin - 12/9/2009 12:49:37 AM
RE:ASPX Page template with Portal Engine Template
mickey-invision wrote:
Also, I tried to make a new portal template by choosing the 'portal engine' option when creating the template. I then proceeded to make a new page with that template, but when I go to the design tab - I see no option to add webparts, or controls or anything - it shows an empty screen - in fact, I cannot edit any data... or do anything to this!

First, check if you have any WebPartZone defined in layout of you page. To do it - switch to "Master Page" tab if you at root node of the content tree, or click row-down at left corner of the green line and then click "Edit Layout".

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mickey-invision - 12/9/2009 10:27:37 AM
RE:ASPX Page template with Portal Engine Template
Alex, I don't see a 'green line' anywhere on the page, but yes, the layout I used is the two column layout, which has to the two different webPartZones defined...

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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
kentico_mirekr - 12/9/2009 5:34:52 AM
RE:ASPX Page template with Portal Engine Template

I’m not quite sure if I understand the first request, but you can make different page template for your pages/documents. These page templates can contain your custom web parts or controls.

Could you please also check if your master page template contains page placeholder web part? This web part is responsible for loading the content on your sub-pages.

Best regards,
Miroslav Remias.

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mickey-invision - 12/9/2009 10:34:26 AM
RE:ASPX Page template with Portal Engine Template
Yes, I can make different templates for every page, but I was trying to avoid doing that since most of the pages have the same structure. I was thinking to make one template for the most of the sites, and then have all my different controls sit on top of that... how do I do this without giving the user the ability to put the controls in themselves from the CMS desk, as opposed to be hardcoding the inline controls in all the templates?

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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
kentico_mirekr - 12/10/2009 4:45:13 AM
RE:ASPX Page template with Portal Engine Template

Yes, you can also create one page template with your custom web parts/controls and use this page template over several pages. Please find necessary links on how to create page template and web part in portal engine below:

If you do not want your users to access design tab (where they can change web part properties/add web parts/change layout of the page template) you can create role in your Kentico CMS and configure this role not to have access to design tab and assign users to this role:

Best regards,
Miroslav Remias.

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mickey-invision - 12/10/2009 4:14:26 PM
RE:ASPX Page template with Portal Engine Template
Miroslav, my problem is that whenever I add any of the pre-made page layouts to my site as a page, I am not able to edit it, as it has no editable area.... so what needs to happen to show data for this site?

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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
kentico_mirekr - 12/11/2009 5:03:01 AM
RE:ASPX Page template with Portal Engine Template

First of all you need to create your page template. If you are using ASPX templates, please follow this documentation:

In the example from the documentation, you can find a way how to add editable region control to your page template.

If you are using portal engine approach please follow the documentation on how to create page template in portal engine:

You can then edit content of the editable regions on Page tab. If you are on the newly created page and in design tab in cms desk you are not able to see any zones or web parts, please check if your master page template contains “page placeholder” web part. I have already mentioned this in this thread. This web part is responsible for loading the content on your sub-pages. So, if you miss such web part on your master page (root) you will not see anything on your sub-page if you are inhering content from master page.

Then you just need to navigate to CMS desk and create new page using the page template you have created. Once you save the page, you will be able to add content to editable regions on the page.

Best regards,
Miroslav Remias.