ASPX templates
Version 4.x > ASPX templates > Automation of build/test/deploy View modes: 
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dmco - 12/7/2009 9:10:49 PM
Automation of build/test/deploy
I'm coming from a traditional .NET development background where deployment is just one stage of development.

In my usual projects, multiple developers work on the site, check in their code and any db scripts to be run, and a continuous integration build beetles along running tests, packaging up test deployments, pushing them out to test servers etc.

Our current project uses a Kentico framework with some content-managed areas, but there's also a lot of custom code.
I'm a bit confused as to how I might manage multiple developers working on the site when "deployment" also involves configuring webparts and content and assigning templates etc through the CMSDesk

Is there any way to automate this? There's another post on this forum that basically says "you can implement this functionality yourself using the import/export api", but has anyone actually done it?

Anyone around who can llay out what steps they go through to build/deploy/patch their live build?

Thanks in advance


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 12/9/2009 8:07:48 AM
RE:Automation of build/test/deploy

There are several possible ways:

- you can use some source control software to keep your coding up to date - for example Team foundation server, but there are many others.
- you can use Web farm synchronization
- you can also use checking in/out the documents and other objects, like transformations, layouts.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus