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mickey-invision - 12/7/2009 10:15:51 AM
System Attributes when creating documents
I ws trying to create custom document, and I noticed that there are two different types of attributes - system attribute and attribute - what are differences between these? and when you select system attribute, two different attribute types come up, which is Document Attributes and Node Attributes - under each one, there are many different attributes - is there a document that explains these attributes?

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Alex Rybin - 12/8/2009 12:10:44 PM
RE:System Attributes when creating documents
You can find how documents are stored here:

System attributes - an attributes from CMS_Tree or CMS_Document tables.
Custom attributes store in "Coupled Table".

I think you should not use any System Attribute without special needs expect "DocumentName" (name of the document in content tree).

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mickey-invision - 12/8/2009 4:28:54 PM
RE:System Attributes when creating documents
So, do those get automatically added to the document? If so, what is the purpose of having them in the 'create new document' section?

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Alex Rybin - 12/9/2009 12:40:25 AM
RE:System Attributes when creating documents
I see a single purpose - system field you add in the section will be available for view or change in "Form" section.