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Version 4.x > ASPX templates > Get the content of CMSHtmlEditor View modes: 
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hotfrost-gmail - 12/26/2009 9:34:16 PM
Get the content of CMSHtmlEditor

I wonder how I can get the HTML content from CMSHtmlEditor via code?
I understand that it is inherited from FCKeditor, but where as FCKeditor has the method GetHTML(), CMSHtmlEditor does not. What am I missing here?

thanks for the help,


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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_martind - 12/29/2009 3:01:45 AM
RE:Get the content of CMSHtmlEditor
Hi Al,

HTML content of CMSHtmlEditor is stored in its Value property, e.g.:


Best Regards,

Martin Dobsicek