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Peter Frank - 3/4/2011 2:46:48 AM
Get images/files-path in API

We have to write a tool that allows presenting cms-data via XML. E.g. custom-table-data with text and images/files or nodes containing custom datatypes. The background is, that some remote application has to access these data.

Now, I'm trying for a while to access the full path of the files/images using the API. Is there an easy way to get a full url of an image with possible parameters for scaling?

I tried

but that didn't work.

Best Regards,


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Peter Frank - 3/4/2011 3:13:44 AM
RE:Get images/files-path in API
Never mind, as usual, found the soulution as soon as I posted the problem.
Here is my current approach:

Dim tp As New CMS.TreeEngine.TreeProvider
Dim tn As TreeNode = tp.SelectSingleNode(New Guid(myRow("Image1").ToString), "en-US", "mySite")
dim myImagePath as string = UrlHelper.GetAbsoluteUrl(UrlHelper.ResolveUrl("~" + tn.NodeAliasPath)) & ".aspx?maxsidesize=150"