ASPX templates
Version 4.x > ASPX templates > CMSEditable Region View modes: 
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vivianferguson685-hotmail - 12/10/2010 6:04:20 AM
CMSEditable Region
Hello All,

When a user enters data into the cmseditable region and it is bigger than the size of the text area a scrollbar appears.

Is there a way kentico can have an option to switch on "growing" so if the text we too big for the area, instead of a textbox, have the actual editable region grow in height?

Is there anything in the current cmsdesk of version 4 or greater which would allow me to perform this or could this perhaps be a suggestion for a future version of kentico?

Many Thanks,

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vivianferguson685-hotmail - 12/10/2010 6:05:39 AM
RE:CMSEditable Region
Also sorry for the vague subject there, If an admin could change that subject to a more suitable title that would be great. Thanks.

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ondrejv - 12/30/2010 9:14:32 AM
RE:CMSEditable Region

Regrettably such feature is currently not supported in Kentico CMS. You could develop it by yourself by adding custom JavaScript code which would check editable region's scrollbar existence. In case it is shown, you would extend textarea's height in the CSS stylesheet. You could try to search the Internet for appropriate JavaScript code snippet or create your own from scratch.

At any rate, I'm sending this request to our product manager, who will consider adding it within one of the next versions.

Best regards and Happy New Year!

Ondrej Vasil