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Version 4.x > Bug reports > Error in transformation View modes: 
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Sergey Kovalev - 2/17/2009 5:14:02 AM
Error in transformation
At usage IfCompare adds tags "</td></table>"

For me in in such context:
<%# IfCompare(Eval("SKUAvailableInDays"), 0, "<td class=\"caption\">Manufacture period:</td><td>"+Eval("SKUAvailableInDays")+" days</td></tr>", "<td class=\"caption\">Manufacture period:</td><td><font color=\"#FF3F00\">In a warehouse</font></td></tr>") %>

<td class="caption">Manufacture period:</td><td><font color="#FF3F00">In a warehouse</font></td></table></td></tr>

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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
kentico_mirekr - 2/18/2009 6:59:25 AM
RE:Error in transformation

Unfortunately, I was not able to reproduce this issue. Could you please let us know what version of Kentico CMS are you currently using, what type of control/ web part are you using to display your data and eventually send/post us your complete transformation?

Thank you.

Best Regards,
Miroslav Remias

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Sergey Kovalev - 2/18/2009 2:28:39 PM
RE:Error in transformation
I do not understand with what it it has been linked but now all works as it is necessary. It has lasted about a floor of day. And has noticed after has added it:

<add key = "CMSDebugSQLQueries" value = "true"/>
<add key = "CMSDebugSQLQueriesLive" value = "true"/>

Also has substituted (to disable for a while) on it:

<add key = "CMSDebugSQLQueries" value = "false"/>
<add key = "CMSDebugSQLQueriesLive" value = "false"/>

Version: 4.0 Build: 4.0.3328