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Version 4.x > Bug reports > Upgrade from 3.1a - “Member” is changed to “Guest” View modes: 
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sean.kinley-techfringe - 3/11/2009 8:17:17 AM
Upgrade from 3.1a - “Member” is changed to “Guest”
After the upgrade, “Members” in the Forums (shown under the avatar) shows as "Guest." Again, I'll look into this on my side and will post if I have a fix, etc.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_zdenekc - 3/12/2009 11:48:07 AM
RE:Upgrade from 3.1a - “Member” is changed to “Guest”

thank you for the message. Could you please describe some more details (e.g. some errors during or after upgrade, event log...)? Maybe also checking the database would give us some info.
Anyway I'll try to ask the responsible developer and also will look forward for any further information from you.

Thanks & regards,
Zdenek C.

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sean.kinley-techfringe - 3/12/2009 3:31:31 PM
RE:Upgrade from 3.1a - “Member” is changed to “Guest”
The Stored Procedure executed without any error messages. Is there a specific error log created by the Kentico upgrade itself? If so, where is it located? Or, do you just meant the MSSQL logs?

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 3/17/2009 3:51:40 AM
RE:Upgrade from 3.1a - “Member” is changed to “Guest”

I am sorry but I am confused - in version 3.1a there were not displayed member or guest - these are badges. You can set it in Site Manager -> Administration -> Badges. It will change according to the number of forum posts posted by the user (http://devnet.kentico.com/docs/devguide/badges.htm).

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus