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Version 4.x > Bug reports > Images not displaying in firefox published, but they are in IE View modes: 
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colin.tekempel-bullseye.com - 3/8/2009 11:14:10 PM
Images not displaying in firefox published, but they are in IE

I have come across an issue whereby if I add an image through CMSDesk to an editable region I can view it in edit and preview mode in both firefox and internet explorer. But when I get through to the published step I can only see the images in internet explorer.

The issue only seems to occur towards the end of the project and there are quite a few images.

The version of CMSDesk is 3.1

Looking at the code the HTML is the same, but when I look at the proxy server and look at what is actually being served, for firefox it is returning "text/html" with the content "<html></html>". This occurs when viewing the image inside the page as well as browsing to the src attribute for the image.

An example of the path is "/getfile/32adf543-01ab-4b9d-9f86-e8499cefacee/xmas_cards.aspx"

Any insight you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

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colin.tekempel-bullseye.com - 3/8/2009 11:31:44 PM
RE:Images not displaying in firefox published, but they are in IE
Looking further into this the issue appears to be related to the step in the work flow that the image is at.

If the image was not published, the image is displaying in the live version of IE but not in firefox.

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 3/11/2009 5:35:42 AM
RE:Images not displaying in firefox published, but they are in IE

The image on the live site is displayed only if it published – you are right. The Preview mode shows the unpublished items as well.

If you would like to know whether the document is published please go to document Properties -> General -> Published.
The exact number of version which you see on the live site could be found in document Properties -> Versions -> the last item with Published from date time and without Published to data.

Your problems could be also caused by browser cache. Could you please clear the cache and test it?

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova