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serdar - CSO GmbH - 6/15/2009 4:27:38 AM
Bug in TagCloud?
Hi all,

I think there is a bug in TagClouds Webpart (respectively TagInformation Class)

I placed the TagClouds webparts on a webpage ant it works fine till I set a value o SelectTopN parameter.

It brings an Error message like:

[Dataconnection.ExecuteQuery]: Query: SELECT TOP 20 DISTINCT CMS_Tag.TagID,TagName, TagCount FROM CMS_DocumentTag JOIN....


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kentico_pavelk - 6/15/2009 6:11:29 AM
RE:Bug in TagCloud?

Thank you for the report, we are already aware of this bug. I am sorry for the inconvenience. We will fix it in the nearest version.

This problem occurs only if the site name, where and order by and top N properties are set.

Best Regards
Pavel Knotek