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Ryan - 6/3/2009 3:09:47 AM
E-Commerce Email Notification Problem
I am having a problem stopping the e-commerce order notification & payment notification emails from being sent from out cart when an order is completed and then paid.

I have unselected both these options in the email section of the store settings, however this doesn't seem to stop the emails being sent.

At runtime I have examined both


and they are both set to false. There corresponding values in the cms_site table are set to 0 (false) as well.

I have commented out all the intances of the method SendOrderPaymentNotificationToCustomer() and yet the emails still seem to be sent.

Should unselecting them in the store settings stop the emails from being sent ?

Are these email sent from the abstract cart class or are they sent from the implemented cart that comes with kentico ?

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Ryan - 6/3/2009 6:46:41 AM
RE:E-Commerce Email Notification Problem
Ok I debugged the process a little further.

After the order is paid the order payment provider (in this case authorise.net) sets the order status to "Complete" - not "Payment Received" (default).

When this happens the system automaticallly generates an email to the admin and to the customer. This email corresponds to the "Order status notification" email template.

When I change payment provider's success state back to "Payment Received" the emails are no longer generated.

So I don't know whether this is a bug or a feature, in my case it is definitely the desired behaviour.

I would like my payment success state to be "Complete" but i can't find anywhere to turn off order staus change emails.

Can anybody help me with this ???

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Ryan - 6/3/2009 6:50:25 AM
RE:E-Commerce Email Notification Problem
My aplogies

my previous post should read

So I don't know whether this is a bug or a feature, in my case it is definitely NOT the desired behaviour.

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_zbysekn - 6/3/2009 9:16:03 AM
RE:E-Commerce Email Notification Problem
Hi Ryan,
Could you please check that you have set in your order statuses not to send emails?
These are located in 'CMS Desk -> Tools -> E-commerce >-Configuration -> Order status'.
If you have set to send email in this statuses, emails will be set even if you uncheck mentioned checkboxes.
So if your desired final step will be completed, you can set to send emails only for this status.

Best Regards,
Zbysek Nemec.

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Ryan - 6/3/2009 4:02:38 PM
RE:E-Commerce Email Notification Problem
Thank you very much for that.

That fixed the problem prefectly !! I should have looked at that in the first place.

The more I use kentico the more I appreciate the depth of functionality & customisation that is built in to the product - I'm really loving it !!!

Thank you for the prompt support as well, great work!!