6/1/2009 7:58:57 AM
The tree is not synchronized with the Edit/Preview/Live site views
This is really confusing, here is an example tree:
/Root News News article A News article B News article C
The News page has a template that shows all news articles in a repeater, ordered by publish date. So a user has the treenode News highlighted and sees the news in the Page tab of the Edit view. He clicks a link to a news article, now he can edit the article because he stays in the Page tab. BUT, the treenode selected is still News, and not News article A. So now he switches to the Form tab of the Edit view, and now he's looking at the form for the treenode News! Believe me, this is not what the user is expecting!
In fact, not just the form tab is wrong. Every tab, and every view is wrong now. The user navigated to News article A, but the tree still has treenode News selected. If the user goes to the Form or Properties tab, if he goes to the Preview or Live views, it's NOT for Newsarticle A.
The errors a user can make because of this bug are really big:
The user wants to stop publishing News article A, so he switches to the Form tab and edits the publish to date. What has happened? The whole News section is now unpublished from the website! That's unacceptable.
I'm really looking forward to a patch soon, do you think you can make a patch for this bug this month? Thank you!