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Version 4.x > Bug reports > Move or Copy Page Bug View modes: 
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mike.irving-silkmoth - 5/11/2009 3:36:39 AM
Move or Copy Page Bug
I have tried moving and copying pages that are in a sub-folder in the site navigation.

The popup comes up to ask me which node to apply my move / copy to.

When I select a node, the popup window changes to a new page that has a cancel button on it, then it just sits there.

If I close the popup, in the site tree, the page has seemingly not been moved or copied.

However, if I right click on the tree frame, and select refresh, the refreshed list displays the moved / copied page as desired.

We are using version 4.0 with SQL 2005, and editing in IE7

Version: 4.0 Build: 4.0.3328


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 5/18/2009 6:21:27 AM
RE:Move or Copy Page Bug
Hi Mike,

I was not able to reproduce your issue. Are you getting any javascript errors in the browser? What where the changes before? Are you using any custom controls or javascripts?

Thank you.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus