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Version 4.x > Bug reports > can't submit a bizform View modes: 
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dinosp-triagegroup - 6/22/2009 12:11:09 PM
can't submit a bizform
Hi, I have a bizform in a "thickbox" div tag that's not submitting. Is there anything specific I have to do to get it to work? I have an example if need be which isn't working.

Thank you!


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dinosp-triagegroup - 6/24/2009 4:08:17 PM
RE:can't submit a bizform
Is there some javascript I can use to submit the form? I've already tried a few different things... Thanks again!

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_zdenekc - 7/2/2009 2:44:21 PM
RE:can't submit a bizform
Hi Dinos,

as I wrote via email, we would suggest to try to set CausesValidation property for the Button/ImageButton in the BizForm to false.
Could you please describe which methods have you tried? Nothing worked?

Hope I will get more information soon, as this is a scenario we haven't tested yet.

Thanks & regards,
Zdenek C., Kentico