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Version 4.x > Bug reports > CSS style not applied to first paragraph in editor View modes: 
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bvanderhaar - 8/27/2009 9:07:43 AM
CSS style not applied to first paragraph in editor
The CSS style in the editor is not being applied to the first paragraph of the content area.

The HTML of the content area looks like this:

<span class="BigOrange">Title</span> <br />
<br />
<span class="BodyCopy">Content</span> <br />
<br />
<span class="PageTitle">Title</span>
<p class="squarebullet"><span class="BodyCopy">Bulleted Content
<br />

The first "BodyCopy" CSS style is not applied ("Content") when looking at the content in the editor. The remaining content ("Bulleted Content" and content below that) has CSS applied correctly. This happens on all pages.
When viewing the site outside of Kentico, the CSS style is applied correctly.

Tested Browsers: IE8, FireFox 3.5
Kentico Version: 4.1 Build: 4.1.3518

Let me know if you need more information.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_zdenekc - 9/7/2009 10:16:46 AM
RE:CSS style not applied to first paragraph in editor

I've tried to reproduce this behavior, however all items were properly styled (I've simply used the color attribute). Tested in both FF3.5 and IE8 in 4.1, same build.
Could you please post here some screenshot or a snippet from your CSS stylesheet?
I'd also recommend checking the resulting applied CSS using some dev.tool like FireBug.
Also deleting browsers cache could help in some situations.

Thank you in advance for any further information.

Zdenek C.

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bvanderhaar - 9/9/2009 9:05:17 AM
RE:CSS style not applied to first paragraph in editor
Yup, after taking a look at the page in firebug I found the problem. FCKEditor needed a few configuration settings added after the upgrade. Thanks for your help.
