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Version 4.x > Bug reports > View gallery image renders incorrectly in I.E View modes: 
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thomas-thecruweb - 11/3/2009 1:45:26 AM
View gallery image renders incorrectly in I.E
So I put up an image gallery or two on my site -

Now I've tested this in Firefox, Opera, Safari, Google Chrome and I.E 8 "regular mode" as well as Compatibility Mode (meaning I.E 6 basicly, as you surely know). I've tested this on at least 3 computers.

While Apple's Safari, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox constantly manages to draw the image viewer correctly, Opera and Internet Explorer gets it wrong (both modes).

The image box (the one with a background you can alter in your CSS-stylesheet) is not getting adjusted to the image size, or the other way
around. One can see the image text for a sec before the image in
rendered above it, outside of the image box.

Zip with screenshots

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 11/10/2009 3:42:45 AM
RE:View gallery image renders incorrectly in I.E

The error could be caused because the lightbox web part is trying to display an image and the size of the image isn't known in the given time. Because different handling of javascripts and image preloading, the problem appears rather in IE and not in FF.
By increasing of the delay the web part has "more time" to gather the values.
You can try to change (increase) "Load delay" property in lightbox Properties, for example to 500 and more miliseconds.

The issue could be also connected with images size. If you display large images (e.g max side size larger than 1000 pixels), lightbox could be slow when resizing (shrinking) the images and problems can appear.

It might be neccessary to clear the browser's cache after a change.

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova

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T.C - 11/10/2009 12:54:11 PM
RE:View gallery image renders incorrectly in I.E
Well doh, should have tried that first, before assuming it was an error :P

I agree pictures shouldn't be too big. Best resize is done in Photoshop (CS), Bicubic Sharper.

Don't know if the delay did much, and the problem occured with both large (1000px >) and smaller pictures (~400x400px), but Resize Speed however is the best fix for this problem, as the browser gets to load everything properly before the resize begins!

So Resize Speed, for anyone with the same problem. Tested in I.E.

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 11/11/2009 2:04:27 PM
RE:View gallery image renders incorrectly in I.E

thank you for your reply. It is useful to know what helped:-)

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova