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amarwadi-gmail - 1/27/2011 2:32:05 AM
Error loading the layout - masterpage.ascx' does not exist
We're running into numerous issues because we cannot continue running the site in VS2010 after we deploy it to the test servers after doing 'Save Virtual Objects to Disk'.

Is there a way to do this correctly? We don't want to keep our virtual objects as files in the development environment, but the moment we take them off, we start getting these errors.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 1/28/2011 3:59:35 AM
RE:Error loading the layout - masterpage.ascx' does not exist

Could you please describe the deployment with more details? Are you running the site in medium trust environment or as a pre-compiled site? What is the reason you are saving the virtual objects to disk?

The virtual objects are usually in database, but in environments described above, the virtual path provider is not running and these objects must be saved on disk.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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amarwadi-gmail - 1/28/2011 2:55:55 PM
RE:Error loading the layout - masterpage.ascx' does not exist
Here are the details:
1. We develop on VS2010 for the Kentico project.
2. Every time we need to make a release, we go to Site Administrator in Kentico, and then do "Save all virtual objects to disk". This creates the folders for AdHocTemplateLayouts etc.
3. We then go ahead and build the site and do an XCOPY based deployment.
4. Once the deployment is done, I go ahead and delete the virtual objects from my folder. The following are the folders that I delete:

Document transformations: ~/CMSTransformations
Shared layouts: ~/CMSLayouts
Custom page template layouts: ~/CMSTemplateLayouts
Web part layouts: ~/CMSWebPartLayouts
Ad-hoc template layouts: ~/CMSAdhocTemplateLayouts

The above approach is the only approach that works for us since we're deploying in a medium trust environment.

Lately though, as we started doing more releases, we've noticed that after we delete the above mentioned folders, we cannot run the Kentico site in development anymore.

I can access CmsDesk and CmsSitemanager, but I cannot access any of the pages. I cannot just run the site in DEBUG mode because it apparently is looking for those folders.

If I go to Site Admin and save these virtual objects to disk again, I can see the site again. However, why should I need to deploy these objects to disk for my development purposes? These objects are already in the database.

Is there a setting in either the web.config or SiteAdmin/CmsDesk that tells the site to not look for these objects?

We're at a halt on our development right now because of this issue. In the worst case scenario, I can add all the virtual folders to source control, but I really don't think that is ideal.

Hoping this helps. Please let me know if there are any other questions.

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amarwadi-gmail - 1/28/2011 3:51:21 PM
RE:Error loading the layout - masterpage.ascx' does not exist
OK, so as I was writing the post, I thought about it more logically. The only reason why the pages would look for the actual physical pages on disk would be if the virtual pages weren't getting found.

So it made me think, what if the VirtualPath dll was missing from bin? After looking into the bin, the virtual path dll was missing. So I went ahead and included that. The site seems to be working again.

Thank You.