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Version 4.x > Bug reports > BizForm Input Fields Periodically Fail to Display View modes: 
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mjantz-crisisprevention - 7/9/2010 10:29:44 AM
BizForm Input Fields Periodically Fail to Display
I have run into this problem in several places on my one Kentico-based site. When surfing to a page on the site that contains a BizForm in the template, sometimes the input fields will not display. The labels appear fine, but no inputs! If I leave the page up for a few minutes and go do something else and then I come back, viola! The inputs are now visible. Sometimes I surf to a page that has previously been problematic and there is no problem in the form fields' display at all--everything looks fine.

I've viewed some of these pages in question on different computers and these pages also display the same problem.

here is an example of a page that has exhibited the problem: http://www.crisisprevention.com/Specialties/Dementia-Care-Specialists/Onsite-Training/On-site-Needs-Assessment

Is there some kind of CSS issue or other incorrect setting for the form itself?

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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
kentico_borisp - 7/15/2010 2:10:58 AM
RE:BizForm Input Fields Periodically Fail to Display

I've checked the supplied link and there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with it visually. Did you try to open the site in different browsers and check, if this is a browser related issue? I would also recommend you to try to use some debugging tools like firebug for Firefox to check, what's causing the issue (check the css sheets, javasccript).

Best regards,
Boris Pocatko