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Version 4.x > Bug reports > Custom Table- column in db but not in xml/metadata for class View modes: 
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mcreale - 6/24/2010 10:58:38 AM
Custom Table- column in db but not in xml/metadata for class
Hopefully someone has an easy fix for this.

I have a custom table. It has a column called isDefault. This column is IN the database table, but is not available through the site manager custom table interface, nor is it in the ClassXMLSchema in the CMS_Class table.

I need this column definition to be available to me to add/update items in the table. I would just add the definitions to the xml schema and form xml fields in the CMS_Class table but since this is a production site I want to make sure that it isn't going to kill the site.

Thanks in advance.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 6/25/2010 1:00:53 AM
RE:Custom Table- column in db but not in xml/metadata for class

You need to create the table via the interface, so everything is correctly registered in the CMS system - devnet.kentico.com/docs/devguide/custom_tables_module_overview.htm. This means that you have to remove your existing custom table and create new one in the UI or create new table in the UI and then rename your custom table to this one in the DB directly.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus