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Version 4.x > Bug reports > Exported Excel file from BizForms incompatible with Excel 2007 View modes: 
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Steve-Appetere - 3/24/2009 10:54:40 AM
Exported Excel file from BizForms incompatible with Excel 2007

I created a simple BizForm with two items (one integer & one radio button), and added two records through BizForms -> Data -> New Record.

Next I used "Select displayed fields" to show all the data, and used both the "Export to Excel" and "Export to Excel 2007" buttons.

When I opened the files in their respective versions of Excel, the files opened normally.

However, when I opened the "Export to Excel" file in Excel 2007, rather than Excel detecting the file was from an earlier version, it said that the file, "is in a different format than specified by the file extension". I opened the file anyway and it displayed:

+ADw-table rules+AD0AIg-all+ACI- border+AD0AIg-1+ACIAPg- +ADw-tr+AD4- +ADw-th scope+AD0AIg-col+ACIAPg-Survey1ID+ADw-/th+AD4APA-th scope+AD0AIg-col+ACIAPg-Minimum Floor Area+ADw-/th+AD4APA-th scope+AD0AIg-col+ACIAPg-Number of doctors in building+ADw-/th+AD4APA-th scope+AD0AIg-col+ACIAPg-Form inserted+ADw-/th+AD4APA-th scope+AD0AIg-col+ACIAPg-Form updated+ADw-/th+AD4- +ADw-/tr+AD4APA-tr+AD4- +ADw-td+AD4-1+ADw-/td+AD4APA-td+AD4-10+ADw-/td+AD4APA-td+AD4-1+ADw-/td+AD4APA-td+AD4-3/24/2009 3:25:51 PM+ADw-/td+AD4APA-td+AD4-3/24/2009 3:25:51 PM+ADw-/td+AD4- +ADw-/tr+AD4APA-tr+AD4- +ADw-td+AD4-2+ADw-/td+AD4APA-td+AD4-20+ADw-/td+AD4APA-td+AD4-2+ADw-/td+AD4APA-td+AD4-3/24/2009 3:26:08 PM+ADw-/td+AD4APA-td+AD4-3/24/2009 3:26:08 PM+ADw-/td+AD4- +ADw-/tr+AD4- +ADw-/table+AD4-

It is quite likely that it will be necessary to open older Excel files in Excel 2007, as people upgrade to Microsoft Office. Could this incompatibility problem be looked into please?


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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 4/1/2009 7:21:19 AM
RE:Exported Excel file from BizForms incompatible with Excel 2007
Hi Steve,

this is the reason there are two options of exporting. Please use the correct export button according the version where you would like to open it.

However, maybe this software could help you to convert the files: http://www.brothersoft.com/batch-xls-and-xlsx-converter-224433.html

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova

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Steve-Appetere - 5/8/2009 11:12:23 AM
RE:Exported Excel file from BizForms incompatible with Excel 2007
It would be more user friendly if the data was exported in a format that both versions of Excel could open (with Excel 2007 running in compatibility mode).

I will be using BizForms for surveys, and it is not always possible to know what version of Excel the person who will process the data has.

If you specify Excel 2007 then it is reasonable that ealier versions cannot open it. But if you specify earlier versions of Excel, then it is reasonable that Excel 2007 should also be able to read the file (in compatibility mode), so you would not have to know in advance what version the user of the data has.

It doesn't appear to be too difficult to achieve - or does Microsoft use some proprietary format they won't divulge that would allow this?



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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_martind - 5/25/2009 6:18:02 AM
RE:Exported Excel file from BizForms incompatible with Excel 2007
Hi Steve,

Kentico CMS exports Excel file in HTML format as native format is not open format and it seems Excel 2007 doesn't support this HTML format.

If we found the way how to export to file that would be possible to open in both versions of Excel we would implement it of course.

Best Regards,

Martin Dobsicek

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Steve-Appetere - 5/25/2009 6:40:40 AM
RE:Exported Excel file from BizForms incompatible with Excel 2007
Could you perhaps add a third option of CSV (comma separated values)?

Then the data could be used by any version of Excel & other programs too?


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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_zbysekn - 5/25/2009 9:19:35 AM
RE:Exported Excel file from BizForms incompatible with Excel 2007
Hi Steve,
I will pass this suggestion to our Product manager and will let you know if we will implement it and in which version.

Best Regards,
Zbysek Nemec.

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raymon2683-gmail - 2/16/2011 5:13:59 AM
RE:Exported Excel file from BizForms incompatible with Excel 2007
Hi, a fix has been supplied Export to excel ;I tested it and so far no problem reported.