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ananda.bakhal-aressindia - 8/31/2011 6:28:37 AM
Insert/Update/delete forms in Left menu
I am new to Kentico and have below questions:
1) I have created custom tables ProductCatgory and Category.
I am able to add insert/update/delete the data from CMS desk > Tools >Custom tables.
But my requirement is to add this functionality (insert/update/delete data) on a menu item.

Can you please advice how I can achieve this using Kentico?

2) I have read about document type and also tried to create a new document type. But the document type doesn't appear when I tried to create new page.

3) How I can bind existing custom tables with the new document type OR should I need to ignore existing custom tables and go with new document type?

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kentico_michal - 8/31/2011 6:59:19 AM
RE:Insert/Update/delete forms in Left menu

1) Regrettably, this is currently not supported. You would need to develop a custom module as it is described in a documentation ( To take some inspiration I would recommend to take a look at code in the following file: ~\CMSModules\CustomTables\Controls\CustomTableDataList.ascx that actually creates the Custom table interface. As you can see it uses a standard UniGrid control (

2) At first, please make sure that the document type is assigned to appopriate site [Site manager -> Development -> Document types -> edit a document type -> Sites].
If it does not help, please check that the document type is listed among Child types of document type you want to create a document under. For example, if you want to create a document of CMS.News document type under a document of CMS.MenuItem, then the CMS.News document type needs to be specified in Child types of CMS.MenuItem document type [Site manager -> Development -> Document types -> edit a document type -> Child types].

3) Could you please describe this in more detail?

Best regards,
Michal Legen