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Version 4.x > New features > New Documentation View modes: 
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mlux-chakracentral - 4/28/2009 1:02:07 PM
New Documentation
This isnt really a new feature but something old that needs to be redone.

I think the documentation, although there is a lot, is very poorly constructed. I always have to remake any documentation when i give a manual to a client. They would never understand the Kentico Documentation. It is even hard for me to understand it sometimes.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_radekm - 4/29/2009 9:13:15 AM
RE:New Documentation

well, I suppose this is individual. Could you please describe in more detail and write some example, in which part is our documentation "poorly constructed?" We appreciate your feedback, our gole is to make our documentation as understandable as possible.

Best Regards,
Radek Macalik

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mlux-chakracentral - 4/29/2009 1:48:56 PM
RE:New Documentation
Thanks for your reply. I guess maybe i put this in the wrong section but after i wrote this i found this forum topic... the main thread starter I agree with mostly...