Hi Sahus,
you can do 1, 2 and 4 with the current version:
1/ <%# LimitLength(Eval("some field name"), 10 , "...") %>
2/ <%# Eval("DocumentPageTitle") %>
(however, please note that this will not work if the title is inherited)
4/ <%# DataItemIndex %>
3/ requires getting data from another table and it may lead to bad performance, so I wouldn't recommend it.
You can see more details on the transformation expressions and built-in functions when you click the help icon below the transformation editor in
CMS Site Manager (it leads to page <cms url>/CMSHelp/index.html?newedit_transformation_methods.htm)
You can also write custom functions as described in http://devnet.kentico.com/docs/devguide/adding_custom_functions_to_transformations.htm
Petr Palas, Kentico