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Version 4.x > New features > Styles in FCK Editor View modes: 
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brandon - 3/24/2009 11:42:58 AM
Styles in FCK Editor
Our company is a registered partner, and one of the biggest shortcomings of Kentico from my perspective as a designer and user is the way that the FCK editor handles styles for content. I would go so far as to say that it is YEARS behind other editors that I've seen. There are 2 signifcant problems with the current methodology:

1. That the styles available in the "Styles" dropdown in the FCK editor apply to ALL sites.

2. That you have use an XML file to populate the "Styles" dropdown menu of the FCK editor.

If you are hosting multiple sites (all for different companies) as we are, it basically renders the Styles menu useless. So the only real solution is to go back to using font tags to style text. Not good.

I would recommend the following functionality in future versions:

When setting up a new site in the Site Manager, give the user the ability to designate a stylesheet for the FCK editor that is specific to THAT SITE ONLY. The styles in this stylesheet would then populate the "Styles" dropdown menu within the editor.

And also get rid of the XML intermediary.

Or, another option: perhaps just have the editor read the styles from a specific tag within the styleseet that is specified when a site is set up. So if someone designates "ABC Company Styles" for the Site CSS Stylesheet, they could then add a specific tag within that stylesheet like the following:

/*#Start--Editor Styles#*/

.TextHeader {
color: #000000;
font-size: 1.2em;

.TextBlueBold {
color: #1e4567;
font-weight: bold;

.TextRedBold {
color: #881f1f;
font-weight: bold;

/*#End--Editor Styles#*/

So the editor would read the styles between the Start and End tags, and use those styles to populate the "Styles" dropdown menu in the FCK Editor.

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ralph - 3/24/2009 8:22:13 PM
RE:Styles in FCK Editor
Hi Brandon

I tweaked my instalation so that each client has its own styles.

What I did is this:
Each site has a virtual directory defined called "static". (Now you could achieve the same with media libraries). In the "static" directory I place the fckstyles.xml and the fck_editorarea.css.

Then you make an edit in the preference file of the FCK editor whereby you change the path to these two files that is now different for each site.

The only thing that does not work with this is the drop down does somehow not take the styles.... but that might be even better this way.


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ralph - 3/24/2009 8:22:55 PM
RE:Styles in FCK Editor
One other question:
What other editors are better than FCK?


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brandon - 3/25/2009 8:01:49 AM
RE:Styles in FCK Editor
Let me clarify what I meant (I guess you can't edit posts on this forum): many editors are way ahead of FCK with regards to how they handle styles.

Ralph - with your method, do you mean that the styles aren't actually populated in the dropdown menu, or just that their name in the dropdown menu isn't styled?

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ralph - 3/25/2009 9:09:33 PM
RE:Styles in FCK Editor
It just means that they are not styled.

So if I define a H1 then it looks like the default H1 (Black & big) instead of what is defined in my actual style sheet.

But on the other hand that is not really so bad, because this feature makes the drop-down look like a pizza with all the different styles.

Also with css2 many styles depend on the context where they are inserted, so there is no magical recipe here.

My question again: How do other editors handle styles? I stopped looking around for editors after having found FCK 4 years ago. But back then there were hardly ANY editors that supported styles....


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jpk - 3/26/2009 9:25:13 AM
RE:Styles in FCK Editor

Great suggestion. It works perfectly. My fckconfig.js modification looks like...

FCKConfig.StylesXmlPath = '../../../[virtualdirectory]/EditorStyles.xml';


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_zdenekc - 3/27/2009 11:17:23 AM
RE:Styles in FCK Editor

thank you for this interesting discussion, I was trying to sketch some possible solution in thread FCKEditor Style Name For Each Site. But this seems to better (and not so "tricky")

I'm sure we will discuss these suggestions with developers.
Hope we will make the styles/site separation user friendly in the future...

Zdenek C.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 3/30/2009 5:45:28 AM
RE:Styles in FCK Editor

Thank you for your post. We will try to improve this functionality in one of the nearest version later this year.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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ctaleck IPAGlobal - 4/21/2009 8:21:31 AM
RE:Styles in FCK Editor
If the purpose of WYSIWYG editor is to make it easier for non-designers to compose and edit content, then the use of Styles is a must. I would agree that tighter integration between the styles that a designer creates and the FCK editor is needed. I hope to see this improvement in the future.