Upgrades Questions on upgrading to version 4.x.
Version 4.x > UpgradesMissing Filter Webpart after Upgrade from 4.0 to 4.1 View modes: 
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vspudic - 9/23/2009 9:27:19 AM
Missing Filter Webpart after Upgrade from 4.0 to 4.1
I've recently upgraded from version 4.0 to 4.1. Everything went well except for the fact that the filter webpart does not seem to be in 4.1. In version 4.0, I find it under Webparts -> General -> Filter. In 4.1, there is no such webpart.

Has there been a problem with my 4.1 installation or has the webpart been dropped from 4.1?

I had developed extensive custom user controls based on the recommendation in this forum: http://devnet.kentico.com/Forums.aspx?forumid=36&threadid=7160... (several pages with filter web parts with custom user controls that are referenced in the "Filter control path").

Any suggestions will be appreciated!

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vspudic - 9/23/2009 9:51:41 AM
RE:Missing Filter Webpart after Upgrade from 4.0 to 4.1
I found the sql insert statement for my missing filter web part under C:\Program Files\KenticoCMS\4.1\Webinstaller\SQL\Data\CMS_WebPart_4.sql. I executed the sql statement and my filter web part is back and working just fine!

Do not know why this statement failed to execute when the 4.1 database was initially created.

([WebPartProperties], [WebPartDocumentation], [WebPartLastModified], [WebPartName], [WebPartID], [WebPartType], [WebPartFileName], [WebPartCategoryID], [WebPartParentID], [WebPartIsWidget], [WebPartGUID], [WebPartDisplayName], [WebPartDescription])
(N'<form><category name="Filter properties" /><field column="FilterName" fieldcaption="Filter name" visible="true" columntype="text" fieldtype="textbox" allowempty="false" isPK="false" system="false" columnsize="200" publicfield="false" spellcheck="true" guid="370dc324-7e04-4beb-b100-ffeace93b56a" fielddescription="Name of the filter that is used in the Filter name property of the target web part." /><field column="FilterControlPath" fieldcaption="Filter control path" visible="true" columntype="text" fieldtype="textbox" allowempty="false" isPK="false" system="false" columnsize="200" publicfield="false" spellcheck="true" guid="984355b3-1bb2-4394-964e-0e5d8de00f68" fielddescription="Physical path in the file system to the .ascx control with your custom filter." visibility="none" /></form>', NULL, '20090422 16:13:19', N'Filter', 536, 2, N'General/filter.ascx', 184, NULL, 0, '1652e67c-e71d-497d-a567-78d0f1cb312e', N'Filter', N'Web part used when you create your custom filter. This web part should then be placed on a page and connected to the physical .ascx file with your filter.')